Groundnut Farming

 Chittoor district ranks second in Andhra Pradesh in terms of area of acreage at 1,89,000 hectares and production of groundnut crops at 1,31,000 tons while the productivity levels of irrigated groundnut crop in the district was 2696 kg per hectare (2014-15)

Sugarcane Farming

Sugarcane occupies 3rd place in Chittoor District,Jaggery is famous in Chittoor

Mango Trees

Chittoor is the leading district with regard to area (77637 ha) and production (854007 t) of mango in Andhra Pradesh. A survey was taken up in different mandals of Chittoor district in which the total mango sample farmers covered were 96, processors were 10, traders were 21, nursery units were 11.

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